Company Profile

TOP / Company Profile

J-Stream Inc. is synonymous with streaming services in Japan since its foundation in 1997 as the first company to offer streaming services. With J-Stream’s own CDN as the core, the company offers end-to-end video business solutions from content distribution to creative services and video ad services. Besides having an unparalleled track record and vast experiences on many important projects in the online video spectrum, J-Stream has the largest market share in Japanese online video platform market today.

Company Name

J-Stream Inc.


May 29, 1997



Tokyo Head Office

Shiba 256 Square Bldg. 6F, 2-5-6 Shiba, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 105-0014 JAPAN
Phone: 03-5765-7000

Western Japan Office

JRWD Dojima Tower. 5F, 2-4-27 Doujima, Kita-ku, Osaka-city, Osaka Pref. 530-0003 JAPAN


Description of Business

  1. Service of the delivery of web-based video data and all other variety forms of information.
  2. Service providing related to the web-based membership information management, e-commerce and settlement service
  3. Service of planning, production, sales and licensing of variety forms of digital contents and publication
  4. Service of planning, development, operation, production, sales, import/export, leasing and agent business of web-based hardware, software and additional service thereof
  5. Service of Planning, production, agency business related to advertisement
  6. Activities related to (1)~(5) above mentioned, including consultation, survey, analysis, research etc.


2.18 billion Yen

Major Shareholders


